David Thrift » Mr.Thrift


Professional Background: 
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities with a minor in History from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I have been teaching at CDMS for the past 4 years. 
Contact Information:  
Phone: (336)357-2310 
Contact Hours: 1:30 to 3:05 Monday through Friday 


Pirates Schedule


8:00-8:05 Homeroom

8:07-8:37 Spartan Time

8:39-9:41 1st Period

9:43-10:43 2nd Period

10:45-12:24 3rd Period

12:26-1:28 4th Period




6th Grade Social Studies 

Welcome to sixth-grade social studies.  In this class, we will be exploring and developing an understanding of early civilizations as well as how groups of people interact.  We will gain these skills by writing essays, comparing and contrasting, making maps, graphs, and charts, making presentations, and interacting with groups.     We will also learn to speak and write formally and to take pride in our work.  Our main goal is for each student to leave sixth grade with a deeper understanding of history, and civilizations and to be better prepared for the world ahead.



Grading Scale

Notes about grading

Major Works-50%

Minor Works-30% 


A  100 - 90

B    89 - 80

C    79 - 70 

D    69 - 60

F    59 and below

Major Works will represent tests as well as individual or group projects.  These will demonstrate how well the skill(s) have been mastered.  Minor works like quizzes will be given based on the progression of the content.  Also a reflection of daily and/or weekly assignments, participation, and using class time wisely. Homework will include assignments that are required to be done outside of the classroom. 


Absences- Students are responsible for retrieving their missed assignments upon their first day back to school.  They will have till the following weekend to complete all assignments.  This allows them the weekend to get caught up.  After that Monday, there will be no more assignments accepted.  Assignments may turned in or picked up from the office if a child must be absent for a lengthy period of time.  

Lateness- It is a student’s responsibility to ensure they make it on time to class and are ready to go when the class time starts.  This includes being ready to start the day’s warm-up activities.

 Missing Assignments- There will be no extensions for deadlines.  If there are questions, a student may email any questions and should make the best effort possible even if they are still unsure.  Once a deadline has passed, the grade for the assignment will be an automatic zero.

Violations- The first violation of a rule or procedure will result in a warning and the second violation will result in silent lunch.  A third violation will result in a call home and/or extra assignments.  Students who are a distraction in class will have a “cool down time” to another room and be given an alternate assignment.  Write-ups will be given at any point based on the severity of the incident or repeating of violations. Changes in these procedures may take place at any point during the year, given teacher discretion.    

Extra CreditThis is up to the discretion of the teacher and given based on student’s work ethic. Given main before the end of a quarter  


Pre-Unit: Classroom Procedures, and Expectations  

Unit 1: Social Science Strands/Geography  

Unit 2: Prehistoric Societies

Unit 3: River Valley Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus) 

Unit 4: Great Civilizations (Greece, Rome, Vikings)

Unit 5: Middle Ages

Unit 6: The Americas (Inca, Aztec, Mayan)

Test Prep

Please note, that important dates will also be shared via the Remind app.