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Mr. Kyle Nanney

[email protected]

Planning: 2:01-3:05pm


Please Email me with any questions.


Central Davidson Middle School

8th grade Social Studies

Assistant Football, Head Girls Basketball

(336)357-2310 ext. 7380


Professional Background


I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from N.C. State University in 2020. I also received a Master of Arts in Social Studies Education from Wake Forest University in 2021. This will be my fourth year teaching at CDMS. I currently serve as an Assistant Football coach and the Head Girls Basketball coach at CDMS. I am also an assistant coach for the CDHS Men's Golf team.


Daily Schedule


Homeroom: 7:45-8:05 am

Spartan Time: 8:08-8:38

1st Period: 8:41-9:43am

2nd Period: 9:45-10:47am

3rd Period:10:49am-12:24pm

4th Period: 12:26-1:28

5th and 6th Period Planning: 1:31-3:05pm